Minerals like calcium and magnesium have been touted for decades as ways to lower high blood pressure levels in patients who are at risk for hypertension. So why are so many people on prescription medication for hypertension? A recent study found that magnesium supplements have the ability to significantly lower and stabilize blood pressure levels, protecting cardiovascular health. This is especially true for people who are not getting optimum levels of magnesium. Although it is not often discussed, taking magnesium for cardiovascular disease prevention is nothing new. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a strong role in your overall heart health. Yet because of the modern diet, many people are not getting enough. By taking magnesium supplements and eating foods rich in magnesium like grean, leafy vegetables, quinoa, avocados, and pumpkin seeds, you can boost your levels of the mineral and help lower your blood pressure in a more natural way. Read more…
Low energy and chronic fatigue have become all too common in today’s fast-paced world. Many people feel like they’re running on empty, struggling to meet daily demands. While external factors […]
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