Did you know that women experience migraine headaches much more frequently than men? This may be due in large part to the fluctuating hormones that are a natural part of pregnancy, menopause, and the monthly menstrual cycle. Fortunately, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help to prevent severe headaches in women who are prone to hormonal migraines—as well as in men, who may also experience hormone-related headaches, especially with a drop in testosterone. Many women who keep headache diaries are able to track when their headaches occur and have discovered that they are tied to their monthly cycle. Other triggers for migraines can include getting too little sleep, changes in weather, skipping meals, certain foods and diets, and not getting enough water, among other things. If headaches have become an issue for you, seek treatment for the root cause rather than relying on a generic plan that does little more than temporarily mask the pain. Read more…
As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, many people experience a noticeable change in their mood and energy levels. For some, the darker months bring a sense of melancholy, […]
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