When it comes to hormonal changes, women often bear the brunt of the jokes. From wild mood swings during “that time of the month” to cravings during pregnancy to the night sweats of menopause, women tend to be very well recognized for the hormonal changes that they undergo during various life stages. What is much less talked about, less known, and less joked about are the hormonal changes that men go through. Including during pregnancy. That’s right, men who have a pregnant partner and are about to become fathers may actually experience several shifts in their hormones. Researchers are still determining why men undergo these hormonal shifts while expecting, but some have suggested that it is nature’s way of creating better, more nurturing fathers. And these hormonal fluctuations may occur in men from the early stages of pregnancy to after the birth of the baby. Read more…
Aging is a natural process, but the hormonal changes that accompany it can sometimes feel anything but natural. For many men and women over 40, symptoms such as fatigue, weight […]
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